yea i know what you mean with high school you deserve more credit because people don't understand what it is like to make REAL music
Hello! I'm Ramon Nario, otherwise known as rtnario, the main composer behind LEAF XCEED Music Division. I specialize in composing video game metal and new age music, but I'm always interested in delving into other genres. Hope you enjoy my stuff!
Age 32, Male
Freelance Musician
Joined on 8/26/06
yea i know what you mean with high school you deserve more credit because people don't understand what it is like to make REAL music
High school is hell. -_-' Thanks.
Well, best of luck to what you try to do. Id love to hear more music from you, just because you take different routes, or make a sound seem a bit more powerful, metalized, ect than some other artists who hardly change a thing. While thats fine, the total redos for the most part are always worth a listen.
Thank you! As much as it is more difficult now to make songs for me, considering all the things I have to go through first, I'm glad there are people who still appreciate it anyhow. Especially consistent ones. XD Hope my next release doesn't disappoint!
I know the feeling, man. With so much college homework, I barely have to time to write anything.
I hope it works out, man. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you can eventually more music, and possibly make something out of your musical talents.
There's that...I'll be entering the same hell in some months time. = =
Thanks. I'm sure my composing will get affected by it all, but nevertheless, it will still remain, and continue improving. Hope that what I make then would show me signs of progress, and of course, would also be appreciated by people like you :)
man you stuff is good i wish i could use some of it with my Vocaloid -Sweet Ann- .Vsq- . all im saying is keep making music . Korg 10 is da shit XD
Thanks again! Please check your PM box for more info on that.